Saturday, March 6, 2010

245 Days until I walk in the Dallas Komen 3-Day for the Cure

Yesterday was a beautiful day in Amarillo! After weeks and weeks (okay it seems like it was months) of bad weather the sun finally came out in all her glory. The temperature even got up to about 70!

I laced up my Sketchers Shape-ups, put on my iTouch headphones and went for a walk. 2.7 miles later I remembered why I need to train for the walk. I was still feeling pretty good though so I changed into my running shoes, exchanged the yoga pants for a pair of running shorts and hit the road again. 2 miles seemed like 10 when I made the 1 mile turn to run back. The wind had picked up to about 30 mph hitting me straight in the face. Talk about resistance training! I don’t start my official training for another 11 weeks, but I figure the more walking I do now, the better prepared I will be. Besides that I still have to pass my Navy Physical Readiness (PRT) Test in a couple of months. Then there is the whole dieting/getting in shape thing. If you know me at all, you know I am trying to lose about 20 lbs. I feel like I have gotten entirely too wide in my hind parts J I want to get to a point where I am more happy about my size.

Since the last time I wrote in my blog I have had two fundraisers. The January fundraiser was a Lia Sophia party. My Consultant, Tonya Detten, is a fabulous woman who donated her entire commission from the party to my 3-Day. Tonya gave a brief testimonial during the party; she told how much she misses her own mother, who died a few years ago of Breast Cancer. She helped me remember why I walk! I don’t want anyone else to have to live through the pain and loss Tonya has had. The February fundraiser was a Pampered Chef party. My Consultant, Susan Woolsey, has such a kind soul. She is such a busy woman! Like Tonya she also donated her entire commission to my cause. I haven’t gotten that check donated yet, so I’m not sure how much it will be. I didn’t have a fundraiser lined up for March so this month I am asking for straight donations. I am going to raise $10,000 this year so I have to ask every single person I see. That sounds easy, but it’s hard to just look someone in the eye and say, “give me money for my cause.” Okay, maybe it isn’t really that hard, but it isn’t as easy as it seems either.

Future fundraising ideas include a raffle (some extra Lia Sophia jewelry I got from the part, a handmade quilt made by my friend Lauri who is donating her time to make a quilt out of your old t-shirts, and anything else I can get donated) and a scrapbooking fundraiser. I’m running out of ideas… Do you know something else I can do?

My wonderful husband and sons have been so patient during this whole process. I’m sure they wonder why on Earth I have become so passionate and consumed with this cause. I have to tell you, sometimes I wonder too. I guess the easiest way to describe it is to tell you how many people have told me about their family member (or themselves) who had breast cancer. At first it makes me so sad to see how breast cancer has affected them. Then I get MAD. We have to stop this damn killer. No one deserves to have breast cancer. Well anyway, back to my family, for Valentine’s Day Dale donated $150 to my fundraising. I cried to realize that he really does understand how important this is to me. Thanks Honey!

Facebook is awesome! I got started on FB in February last year. Since then I have added almost 1000 friends; some friends from high school, Navy, neighbors, and work. I’ve also made friends with people around the world because of the game I love to play (Mafia Wars (MW)). It’s funny how you can become friends without ever really meeting the people. Facebook is such a social thing. I guess that’s why they call it social networking huh? Last year I got a lot of donation from FB friends who I only knew because of MW. This year one of my first donations was from DJ in Florida. She made me cry almost as bad as my husband did. Talk about God showing you the power of friendship! Thanks DJ!

I’m trying not to SPAM all my friends too much this year, but I do want to keep you posted on my progress. I feel like all my friends are part of my team. Together we can help the Susan G. Komen for the Cure find a way to cure and prevent breast cancer because EVERYONE DESERVES A LIFETIME.

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